Monday, 10 April 2017

Have A Long Successful Career Just Like Tatum O’Neal

Actresses tend to have a very short career in movies. It is only till they are young and look pretty do they manage to get roles in the movies, and as soon as they grow in age, they immediately get replaced by younger actresses. However, there are a few great actresses like TatumO’Neal, who have been able to defy this rule of the movie business, and have continued to do some excellent work in the industry despite their growing age.

Below are a few factors which have helped actresses like Tatum to survive in this highly competitive industry for such a long time:

Knowing When To Change Their Image

When an actress is young, she gets to play lead roles like the lover of the hero of the movie and other central characters. However, when they start to age a little bit, these roles start slipping away from them and get offered to newer and younger actresses. It is very important to recognize when you are being replaced by the younger lot, and accept this decision of the industry and the audience, and make a switch to character roles like playing the sister or the mother of the lead characters in the movie. There are many movies in which these supporting characters have managed to make a deeper impact on the minds of the audience and therefore, if you have the talent in you, you would be able to shine even in these smaller, but very important roles in the movies. Tatum O’Neal did try to continue doing the lead roles even after her time was up, and hence had to face a string of failures, but before things could go out of her hands, she understood the need of the hour and happily changed her image to do more meaningful character roles.

Explore Alternate Entertainment Mediums

Besides movies, there are many other entertainment mediums which can help you in doing good quality work and staying relevant in the industry. When Tatum stopped getting good roles in movies, she explored the world of television. She participated in a few reality shows and then even moved on to do a successful fictional series on television. Her stint on television proved to be a turning point in her career, and through television, she was able to prove that she continues to be a great actress and landed some really good offers in movies once again. Therefore, for long survival in this industry, you need to be open to work in any and all sorts of entertainment mediums like short films, documentary films, theatre, television, etc.

Excellent PR Skills

The movie industry is like a close family, where people gossip about each other, are jealous of each other, but they simply cannot survive without each other. Therefore, when things are going downhill for you, it is only your good contacts in the industry, which can help you in getting a good role in a movie. TatumO’Neal made some very good friends in the industry and it was through the support and strength of these people that she was able to bounce back after every professional and personal crisis in her life and prove herself to be a winner.

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